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$.net.Mail.Part class for constructing email parts.


Sample Usage


Requires a running mail server. If mailConfig is not set the api defaults to a local mail server. For more information please take a look here.

var files = require("io/v4/files");

// Getting the byte array of the attachment.
var xskLogo = files.readBytes('path-to-file/xsk-logo.png');

// Create an attachment $.net.Mail.Part from JSObject.
var attachmentPart = new $.net.Mail.Part({
    type: $.net.Mail.Part.TYPE_ATTACHMENT,
    data: xskLogo, 
    contentType: "image/png",
    fileName: "xsk-logo.png",
    fileNameEncoding: "UTF-8"

// Getting the byte array of the inline image.
var sapLogo = files.readBytes('path-to-file/sap-logo.png');

// Create an inline $.net.Mail.Part from JSObject.
var inlinePart = new $.net.Mail.Part({
    type: $.net.Mail.Part.TYPE_INLINE,
    data: sapLogo,
    contentType: "image/png",
    contentId: "IMAGE1_ID", // The content id is used in the text part to display the image in the mail body.
    fileName: "sap-logo.png",
    fileNameEncoding: "UTF-8"

// Create a text $.net.Mail.Part object.
var textPart = new $.net.Mail.Part({
    type: $.net.Mail.Part.TYPE_TEXT,
    text: "<html><head></head><body><h1>This is XSK</h1><br><img src=\"cid:IMAGE1_ID\"><br></body></html>",
    contentType: "text/html",
    encoding: "UTF-8"

// Create an $.net.Mail object.
var mail = new $.net.Mail({
    sender: {address: ""},
    to: [{name: "to1", address: ""}, {name: "to2", address: ""}],
    cc: [{ name: "cc1", address: ""}, { name: "cc2", address: ""}],
    bcc: [{ name: "bcc1", address: ""}],
    subject: "subject",
    subjectEncoding: "UTF-8"
});, inlinePart, textPart);

let returnValue = mail.send();


new $.net.Mail.Part(PartObject)


Parameter Name Description Required Type
PartObject JS object containing elements of a Part in JSON format. optional object


Name Description Type
alternative Property used for initializing "alternative" property of the text $.net.Mail.Part object. string
alternativeContentType Property used for initializing "alternativeContentType" property of the text $.net.Mail.Part object. If this property is not set, the default value is "text/plain". string
contentId Property used for initializing "contentId" property of the inline $.net.Mail.Part object. string
contentType Property used for initializing "contentType" property of the $.net.Mail.Part object. string
data Property used for initializing "data" property of the attachment and inline $.net.Mail.Part object. string/ArrayBuffer
encoding Property used for initializing "encoding" property of the text $.net.Mail.Part object. It also applies to alternative text. If this property is not set, the default value is "UTF-8". string
fileName Property used for initializing "fileName" property of the attachment and inline $.net.Mail.Part object. It contains the full name of the file with the extension, example "file.txt". string
fileNameEncoding Property used for initializing "fileNameEncoding" property of the attachment and inline $.net.Mail.Part object. It is the encoding of the filename. If this property is not set, the default value is "UTF-8". string
text Property used for initializing "text" property of the text $.net.Mail.Part object. string
type Property used for initializing "type" property of the $.net.Mail.Part object. If this property is not set, the part will not be set. It should be one of the following: $.net.Mail.Part.TYPE_TEXT $.net.Mail.Part.TYPE_ATTACHMENT $.net.Mail.Part.TYPE_INLINE string

See common content types here.