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The information on this page will help you learn how to develop the design-time data-persistence model for an XSK application using the HDBView syntax.

Details About the Parser


There are currently some issues in the behavior of the HANA version 1.x of the parser:

  • Currently, the parser takes into accouцnt if a given property is mandatory.
  • If the property order is misplaced, the parser will still parse the values.
  • If more than one value of one property is provided, then only the last one is taken.


SAP Help Portal

For more information, see Create an SQL View.



Reserved keywords, used as table or column names in queries, must be escaped.

query="SELECT T1.\"Column2\" FROM \"MYSCHEMA\".\"\" AS T1 LEFT JOIN \"MYSCHEMA\".\"\" AS T2 ON T1.\"Column1\" = T2.\"Column1\"";
depends_on=["", ""];
VIEW "hdb_view.db::ItemsByOrderHANAv2"
AS SELECT "Id" FROM "hdb_view::Item";

Which syntax does the parser support?

HANA XS Classic syntax HANA XS Advanced syntax Comments
schema schema
query query
public public default=true
depends_on depends_on
depends_on_table depends_on_table
depends_on_view depends_on_view


Reserved keywords, used as table or column names in queries, must be escaped.