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The information on this page will help you lesrn how to develop the design-time data-persistence model for an XSK application using the HDBSequence syntax.


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schema= "TEST_DUMMY";
start_with= 10;
maxvalue= 30;
minvalue= 1;
cycles= false;
reset_by= "SELECT T1.\"Column2\" FROM \"MYSCHEMA\".\"com.acme.test.tables::MY_TABLE1\" AS T1 LEFT JOIN \"MYSCHEMA\".\"com.acme.test.tables::MY_TABLE2\" AS T2 ON T1.\"Column1\" = T2.\"Column1\"";
depends_on=["com.acme.test.tables::MY_TABLE1", "com.acme.test.tables::MY_TABLE2"];

Configuration Schema

Name Description Type Default value Required
schema Name of the schema that contains the sequence you are defining. String None Yes
increment_by Specifies that the sequence increments by a defined value. Integer 1 No
start_with Specifies that the sequence starts with a specific value. Cannot be less than the minimum value. Integer 1 No
maxvalue Specifies that the sequence stops at a specific maximum value. Integer Different for each DB No
nomaxvalue Specifies that the sequence does not stop at any specific maximum value. Boolean False No
minvalue Specifies that the sequence stops at a specific minimum value. Integer 1 No
nominvalue Specifies that the sequence does not stop at any specific minimum value. Boolean False No
cycles Enables you to specify whether the sequence number will be restarted after it reaches its maximum or minimum value. Boolean None No
reset_by Enables you to reset the sequence using a query on any view, table or even table function. However, any dependency must be declared explicitly, for example, with the depends_on_view or depends_on_table keyword. If the table or view specified in the dependency does not exist, the activation of the sequence object in the repository fails. String None No
public Specifies if it is public or not. Boolean False No
depends_on_table Enables you to define a dependency to one or more specific tables. List(String) None No
depends_on_view Enables you to define a dependency to one or more specific views. List(String) None No
depends_on Enables you to define a dependency to one or more specific tables or views, for example, when using the reset_by option to specify the query to use when resetting the sequence. List(String) None No


Reserved keywords, used as table or column names in queries, must be escaped.