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Setup with Helm


You can deploy XSK via Helm chart in a Kubernetes cluster.



  1. Add the XSK Helm repository:

    helm repo add xsk
    helm repo update
  2. Verify XSK Helm charts:

    From key server

    helm pull xsk/xsk --prov
    gpg --keyserver --recv-key 734B0E32368A2283290E0B966010F454D1819484
    gpg --export > ~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg
    helm verify xsk-<version>.tgz 

    From github


    Use command wget for download public key instead of curl

    helm pull xsk/xsk --prov
    wget -O ~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg
    helm verify xsk-<version>.tgz 
  3. Deployment

    To deploy XSK, you can use the following instructions:

    helm install xsk xsk/xsk
    Accessing the XSK Instance

    Running this command will install XSK Deployment and Service with ClusterIP only. To access the XSK instance, execute the command that was printed in the console.


    export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "," -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
    echo "Visit to use your application"
    kubectl --namespace default port-forward $POD_NAME 8080:8080    
    helm install xsk xsk/xsk \
    --set kyma.enabled=true \

    This will install additionally an ApiRule and XSUAA ServiceInstance and ServiceBinding with SAP BTP Service Operator. The appropriate roles should be assigned to the user.

    helm install xsk xsk/xsk \
    --set hana.enabled=true \
    --set hana.url=<hana-url> \
    --set hana.username=<hana-username> \
    --set hana.password=<hana-password> \
    --set kyma.enabled=true \

    This will install additionally an ApiRule, XSUAA ServiceInstance, ServiceBinding with SAP BTP Service Operator and HANA instance. The appropriate roles should be assigned to the user.

    helm install xsk xsk/xsk \            
    --set kyma.enabled=true \
    --set<kyma-apirule-host> \
    --set kyma.addRoles=true \
    --set kyma.roles={"<new-role>"\,"<new-role>"}

    This will install additionally an ApiRule and XSUAA ServiceInstance and ServiceBinding with SAP BTP Service Operator with default roles Developer and Operator and will add your new roles. The appropriate roles should be assigned to the user.

    Configuration Options
    Name Description Default
    replicaCount Number of replicas 1
    deployment.strategyType Deployment strategy type Recreate
    deployment.readinessProbePeriodSeconds Readiness probe period seconds 10
    deployment.readinessProbeInitialDelaySeconds Readiness probe initial delay 5
    deployment.readinessProbeHttpGetPort Readiness probe http get port 8080
    deployment.LivenessProbePeriodSeconds Liveness probe period seconds 60
    deployment.LivenessProbeInitialDelaySeconds Liveness probe initial delay 60
    deployment.LivenessProbeHttpGetPort Liveness probe http get port 8080
    deployment.volumeMountsName Volume mount name xsk-volume
    deployment.volumeMountsMountPath Volume mounts mount Path /usr/local/tomcat/target/dirigible/repository
    deployment.volumesName Volume name xsk-volume
    deployment.volumespersistentVolumeClaimClaimName Volume spersistent volume claim xsk-claim
    persistentVolumeClaim.enabled Persistent volume claim enable true
    persistentVolumeClaim.Name Persistent volume claim name xsk-claim
    persistentVolumeClaim.accessModes Persistent volume claim access modes ReadWriteOnce
    persistentVolumeClaim.resourcesStorage Persistent volume claim resources storage 1Gi
    serviceAccount.create Create service account false
    serviceAccount.annotations Add annotations to sa `` Service account name ``
    securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation Allow privileged escalation false
    securityContext.seccompProfile.type Enable seccomp profile RuntimeDefault
    securityContext.runAsUser Deployment security context run as user 65532
    securityContext.runAsGroup Deployment security context run as group 65532
    podSecurityContext.fsGroup | Pod Security Context |65532`
    service.type Type of service ClusterIP
    service.port Port of service 8080
    nameOverride Name override ``
    fullNameOverride Full name override ``
    kyma.enabled Enable Kyma ``
    kyma.secret Create Kyma secret true Kyma host ``
    kyma.serverMaxHttpHeaderSize Tomcat max http header size 48000
    kyma.addRoles Enable add new roles ``
    kyma.roles Name for new roles ``
    kyma.roleCollections.description Set role collections description XSK Developer, XSK Operator Set role collections name XSK-<your-release-name>-Developer, XSK-<your-release-name>-Operator
    kyma.roleCollections.role-template-references Set role collections role template $XSAPPNAME.Developer, $XSAPPNAME.Operator
    kyma.roleTemplates.description Set role templates description Developer related roles, Operator related roles Set role templates name Developer, Operator
    kyma.roleTemplates.scopeReferences Set role templates scope references $XSAPPNAME.Developer, $XSAPPNAME.Operator
    kyma.scopes.description Set scopes description Developer scope, Operator scope Set scopes name $XSAPPNAME.Developer, $XSAPPNAME.Operator
    application.image Application image ``
    application.homeUrl Home url for XSK ``
    application.imagePullPolicy Image pull policy Always
    application.privateDockerRegistry Paramater to enable docker registry ``
    application.privateDockerRegistrySecret Paramater to skip creating secret true
    application.dockerSecretName Secret name for docker registry docker-registry-secret
    application.dockerServer Parameter to set Docker server
    application.dockerUsername User name for docker registry ``
    application.dockerPassword Password for docker registry ``
    application.dockerEmail Email for docker registry ``
    hana.enabled Hana enable option ``
    hana.secretName Hana secret name hana-secret
    hana.url Hana url instance ``
    hana.username Hana username ``
    hana.password Hana password ``
  4. Uninstall

    If you want to uninstall Helm, run:

    helm uninstall xsk


    If you created namespace with helm install --create-namespace namespace <your-namespace>. If you want the namespace to be deleted you need to delete you namespace manually kubectl delete namespace <your-namespace>.

Setup - Kpack

You can choose to build and package your XSK application from source with Helm and Kpack by following these instructions:

  1. Add the XSK kpack Helm repository:

    helm repo add xsk
    helm repo update
  2. Deployment


    Install kpack.

    helm install xsk-image xsk/xsk-kpack \
    --set install.all=true \
    --set docker.server= \
    --set docker.username=<your-docker-username> \
    --set docker.password=<your-docker-password> \
    --set<your-email> \
    --set image.repository=<your-repository-for-your-OCI-image> \
    --set imageBuilder.repository=<builder-image> \
    --set image.source=<your-application-source> 

    This will build and package an OCI image for your application.

    helm install xsk-cluster-builder xsk/xsk-kpack \
    --set install.clusterBuilder=true \
    --set docker.server= \
    --set docker.username=<your-docker-username> \
    --set docker.password=<your-docker-password> \
    --set<your-email> \

    This will install a kpack ClusterStore and ClusterStack resources.

    helm install xsk-image-builder xsk/xsk-kpack \
    --set install.imageBuilder=true \
    --set imageBuilder.repository=<builder-image>

    This will install a kpack Builder resource.

    helm install xsk-image xsk/xsk-kpack \
    --set create.image=true \
    --set image.repository=<your-repository-for-your-OCI-image> \
    --set image.source=<your-application-source>

    This will build and package an OCI image for your application.


    Due to synchronization issues the All in One setup could fail. To overcome this issue you could execute the Cluster Builder (Only), Image Builder (Only) and Image (Only) steps.


    You can tail the logs for your image that is currently building using the Kpack CLI.

    kp build logs xsk-image -n default

    You can check your image with:

    kubectl -n default get image xsk-image

    To download and run the newly created OCI image, execute:

    docker run -p 8080:8080 <latest-image-with-digest>

    The application image that was built could be used as well in the installation of XSK with Helm, Kyma and Cloud Foundry.


    You can use for build Kyma (which is default), local and Cloud Foundry.

    • For ClusterStack build image you can use --set clusterBuilder.buildImage and choose one of this:
    dirigiblelabs/buildpacks-stack-build-xsk-kyma - Kyma
    dirigiblelabs/buildpacks-stack-build-xsk-cf - Cloud Foundry
    dirigiblelabs/buildpacks-stack-build-xsk - Local
    • For ClusterStack run image you can use --set clusterBuilder.runImage and choose one of this:

      dirigiblelabs/buildpacks-stack-run-xsk-kyma - Kyma
      dirigiblelabs/buildpacks-stack-run-xsk-cf - Cloud Foundry
      dirigiblelabs/buildpacks-stack-run-xsk - Local

    • For Builder image you can use --set imageBuilder.buildpack and choose one of this:

      --set imageBuilder.buildpack=dirigiblelabs/buildpacks-xsk-kyma - Kyma
      --set imageBuilder.buildpack=dirigiblelabs/buildpacks-xsk-cf - Cloud Foundry   
      --set imageBuilder.buildpack=dirigiblelabs/buildpacks-xsk - Local  

    Configuration Options
    Name Description Default
    install.clusterBuilder Kpack cluster store and stack false
    install.imageBuilder Kpack builder false
    install.allInOne Option to build all false
    create.image Kpack create OCI image false
    create.namespace Create namespace default
    docker.server Docker server url ``
    docker.username Docker username ``
    docker.password Docker password `` Docker email ``
    docker.secretName Docker secret name docker-registry-secret
    docker.serviceAccountName Docker service account name docker-registry-service-account
    imageBuilder.repository Docker service account name ``
    imageBuilder.buildpack Docker service account name dirigiblelabs/buildpacks-xsk
    image.repository Docker service account name ``
    image.source Docker service account name ``
    image.serviceAccountName Docker service account name docker-registry-service-account
    clusterBuilder.buildImage Docker service account name dirigiblelabs/buildpacks-stack-build-xsk-kyma:latest
    clusterBuilder.runImage Docker service account name dirigiblelabs/buildpacks-stack-run-xskyma:latest
    clusterBuilder.serviceAccountName Docker service account name docker-registry-service-account
  3. Uninstall

    If you want to uninstall the Helm kpack chart, run:

    helm uninstall xsk-kpack